Invest in the future
When you make a gift to IU Jacobs School of Music Opera and Ballet Theater, you are investing in the future. Your support makes it possible for the next generation of aspiring artists to experience unparalleled education, reach their fullest potential, and share their artistic gifts with the world through performance.
Thank you for your gift!
Support the Opera Production Fund
The Opera Production Fund provides direct support for IU Jacobs School of Music Opera Theater. Your gift will help make possible six full-length productions each year—providing real-world experience for Jacobs students.
Support the Ballet Department Fund
The Ballet Department Fund provides support for the Jacobs School of Music Ballet Department and the students enrolled in a degree program in ballet at the Jacobs School of Music. Your gift will help make possible annual ballet productions, acquisition of new materials, honorariums, and more.
The Indiana University Foundation solicits tax-deductible private contributions for the benefit of Indiana University and is registered to solicit charitable contributions in all states requiring registration. View our full disclosure statement.